  • 期刊


Key Factors of Supply Chain Risk for the Procurement of Automobile Manufacturer from China


因應企業脈動與汽車市場供應鏈變化,中國成為全球最具潛力的市場及零組件供應者。台灣車廠為達精準的採購策略轉而擴大向中國供應商採購。而自中國採購的供應鏈存在不確定性與風險,如能提前解析,方能保障台灣車廠採購安全與效率。本研究主要目的是分析C公司自中國採購的供應鏈存在那些關鍵風險?且如何因應與管理?本文應用德爾菲法、DANP (DEMATEL-Based ANP)法及簡單加權法作為研究方法。研究顯示,關鍵構面為「供應風險」及「環境風險」,而關鍵準則是「品質風險」及「交期風險」;最後藉由個案實際之供應商的風險評估發現,自中國採購之供應商風險為動態變化之形勢,須依個別供應商之風險分析項目結果以提出具體的因應策略,以期能達到供應商風險預警效果。


In response to the changing needs of enterprises and changes in global automobile market supply chain, China has become the most promising automobile market and components supplier in the world. Taiwanese automobile manufacturers aspire to achieve a more rapid, effective, and accurate procurement strategy to expand sourcing from suppliers in China. However, considerable uncertainty and risk are involved in purchasing goods from supply chains in China. Improved understanding and analysis can safeguard the procurement of security and efficiency. This research examines the key risk factors involved in purchasing goods from supply chains in China by investigating an individual case of purchasing strategy adjustment. How do enterprises respond and manage these risk factors? The concept framework of this research was created through a literature review and expert interviews. The Delphi method was employed to achieve consensus and identify a study framework comprising 4 dimensions and 15 criteria. Finally, the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory-based Analytic Network Process method was used to weight and rank the dimensions and criteria. The key dimensions were "supply risk" and "environmental risk" and the key criteria were "quality risk" and "delivery risk." The actual supplier risk assessment of three cases revealed that procurement from Chinese suppliers entails risks in a dynamic situation. Therefore, individual supplier risks should be analyzed to provide coping strategies and to achieve an effective early risk warning for suppliers.


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