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Choose Foreign R&D Partners From Right Pools: A Synthesis Framework



To complement the extant research of R&D partner selection that is fragmented, we develop the synthesis framework to provide a holistic view for the foreign R&D partner selection process. In this framework, we integrate the strategic motive, the learning strategy, the R&D partner selection, and the institutional contingency altogether and adopt the classification of stakeholders to suggest firms the pools of potential candidates in which they can effectively select their suitable R&D partners in the host countries. By examining the 2,423 outbound FDI cases of Taiwan from 2009 to 2012, we find that firms pursuing the technology acquisition will adopt the exploratory learning strategy and be more inclined to choose their R&D partners from their external stakeholders; but this inclination will be mitigated when the host countries are full of institutional voids. Nevertheless, firms pursuing the market expansion may not necessarily adopt the exploitative learning strategy as the prior research suggests but, instead, may undertake the exploratory learning and, furthermore, partner their external stakeholders when the host countries are full of institutional voids.


由於現有關於選擇研發夥伴的研究較為片段,我們為此提出了一個整合型架構來為海外研發夥伴之選擇流程提供一個全方位的觀點。在這架構中,我們整合了策略動機、學習策略、研發夥伴之選擇、以及體制情境等要素,並採取了關係人的分類架構,建議企業在地主國應該從哪類的關係人當中有效地選擇合適的研發夥伴。透過檢視臺灣自2009到2012年間共2,423筆的海外直接投資案例中,我們發現,當企業去海外尋求新科技時,他們會採行探索型(Exploratory)的學習策略,並且傾向從外部關係人(External Stakeholders)當中找尋研發夥伴,但這樣的傾向會被地主國的體制缺陷(Institutional Voids)所弱化。然而,當企業去海外擴大其市場時,他們並不一定會像以前研究所說的去採行深化型(Exploitative)的學習策略,反而可能會採行探索型的學習策略,而且當地主國充斥著制度缺陷時,他們甚至可能從外部關係人當中找尋研發夥伴。


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