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Social Media and Communication Between Police and Public -Using the Online Video "What Happened to the Policewoman?" as an Example




The services provided by the police are closely related to the daily life of the public. This paper focuses on the question of how police organizations can respond to the changes and challenges brought about by new types of media in the 21st century. Or to put it simply: This study attempts to examine the practical application of social media in recent years to facilitate such a communication between the police and the public. The specific sample used for the analysis is the online video "What Happened to the Policewoman?" that has been produced in collaboration between the public and the police. For this purpose, the discourse analysis method shall be employed, which so far has been comparativley seldom used in research papers concerning the communication between the police and the public. By doing so, a new analysis framework shall be constructed so that it is possible to reveal substantial contents and existing social contexts of the communication between the police and the public within Taiwanese society. Findings of this study indicate the following: Use of strategies such as mutually beneficial flexible spaces within daily life, "police" professionalism, the use of social media idioms and frequent interaction with the general public, "making sensitive concessions", i.e. being strict against major offenders and generous in regard to minor violations, relying on high EQ rather than on militarization of police, etc., will establish the public's trust, effectively promote a good dialogue between the two parties, and bring concrete and obvious performance improvements for practical police work.


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