  • 期刊


Relation Beteen Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness,Atopy ,and Asthmatic Symptoms in Adolescents


目標:瞭解支氣管過度反應(bronchial hyperresponsiveness, BHR)在流行病學調查所代表的意義。方法:以台灣及金門地區的七所國中國二學生為研究對象,總抽樣人數為2211人,2173人(98.3%)完成呼吸道健康問卷,其中1403人(64.6%)完成過敏原皮膚測驗、肺功能檢查及支氣管誘發試驗等檢查;一年後再以問卷追蹤,共1934年完成問卷。結果:過敏體質的盛行率在不同學校間有顯著差異,以城市中的學校較高;在各校皆以塵?為最主要之過敏原。BHR(定義為讓用力呼氣一秒量減少20%之甲醯膽鹼濃度PC20≦10 mg/ml)的盛行率約為16.5%,男女之間沒有差異。對塵?過敏反應愈強者,其BHR及氣喘症狀之盛行率愈高。具BHR者,其過敏體質、氣喘症狀、氣喘家族史之盛行率皆高於不具BHR者一年後的追蹤發現,其發生呼吸道症狀的機會高於正常人(OR=3.0, 95%CI=1.2~7.6)。結論:具有BHR者其過敏體質及氣喘症狀比例較高,且肺功能較低。無呼吸道症狀BHR者經過一年後,產生呼吸道症狀的機會略高於正常人。


Objectives: To clarify the significance of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) observed in epidemiological surveys. Methods: The survey included eighth grade students in seven junior high schools in Northern Taiwan and Kinmen. A total of 2211 were sampled; 2173 (98.3%) completed respiratory questionnaire, among them 1403 (64.6%) completed skin prick test, pulmonary function test, and methacholine provocation test. One year later, 1934 completed a follow-up questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of atopy was Significantly different among schools, with the school in urban area being the highest. The prevalence of BHR (defined as PC20≦10 mg/ml methacholine) was 16.5%, with no significant difference between genders. BRR and asthmatic symptoms was significantly associated with skin reactivity to mite allergens. Those with BHR were more likely to be atopic, to have asthmatic symptoms, and to have a family history of asthma. Subjects with more reactive airways (PC2020≦5 mg/ml) had lower pulmonary functions. The survey one year later found that those with asymptomatic BHR were more likely to develop asthmatic symptoms (OR=3.0, 95%CI=1.2-7.6). Conclusions: BRR was associated with atopy, asthmatic symptoms, and lower pulmonary functions. Those with asymptomatic BHR are more likely to develop asthmatic symptoms compared with normal individuals.
