  • 期刊


A Study of Different Perceptions on Manpower between Directors and Disease Coders in Medical Record Departments and Practical Working Situation of Taiwanese Hospitals




Objectives: Disease coders playa very important role in medical research, health statistics and insurance claims. Previous studies showed that the overall correct rate of disease coding was 46.6% in Taiwan, and it was influenced by quality and manpower of coding personnel. The purpose of this study was to explore the different perceptions on manpower between directors and disease coders of the Medical Record Department (MRD) and to examine the practical Working situation of coders. Methods: Samples were directors and disease coders of MRD in hospitals with over 100 beds. We received 157 and 345 valid questionnaires from directors and disease coders, respectively. The return rate of directors is 86.7% and that of coders is 75.7%. Results: We found that 61 % of the disease coders from medical centers consider manpower insufficient, while 21.9% of the disease coders from district hospitals find it excessive. But their perceptions are different from those of their directors. The coders from medical centers spent lots of work-time on disease coding, and they still had to assist other works such as review quantity of charts, cancer registration, statistics of disease and health insurance claims. The average coding time of each chart from district hospitals was higher than that from other hospitals ,but fewer coders have obtained professional qualifications. Other factors influencing speed and completeness of coding were quality of written medical records from doctors, and the efficiency of pathological or exam reports. Conclusion: More professional training courses are needed for coders from district hospitals, manpower for medical centers should be increased, and the efficiency on reports and written quality of charts should be improved.


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