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Key Success Factors in Social Enterprise Business Models




The Taiwan government's executive branch announced the "Project for Social Enterprises Action Plan," As such, ideas and concepts used by social enterprises in the US and Europe offer new possible solutions for addressing problems in Taiwanese society. It is important to examine the key success factors for social enterprise business models. In this paper, we use purposive sampling methods with five Taiwanese social enterprises serving as case studies. Adopting Alexander Osterwalder's "Business Model Canvas" as a framework, we designed interview guidelines and carried out semi-structured interviews for these case studies. After compiling data and information from the interviews, a summary of main items was created. This summary was used to produce evaluation criteria for social enterprise business models by employing the Modified Delphi Method with expert panels that included scholars in related fields and business professionals. Taking these results, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was then used as a framework to create expert questionnaires. These results consist of 4 Dimensions and 15 key success factors. At the final stage, empirical data was collected and used to calculate a numerical weight or priority for each element of the hierarchy. In summary, this paper has found that in business models value identification, social purpose, customer relationship, social innovation, and value proposition received the highest weighted scores. These results are in line with our interviews, as well as with the economic and social purposes of social enterprises as defined by scholars. Finally, social enterprise organizations are encouraged to refer to this paper's 15 key success factors and deploy operational resources in agreement with the stated operational definitions, so as to better achieve corresponding organizational goals and realize their specific social missions and values.


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