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社群商務網站上之自我揭露行為:以Fashion Guide時尚美妝傳媒為例

Self-disclosure Behaviors in Social Commerce Websites: An Empirical Validation of Fashion Guide


社交媒介的蓬勃發展,消費者的購買行為隨之改變。過去自我揭露相關研究大多研究著重自我揭露對於使用者自身的影響,較少探討自我揭露對網路平台所產生的影響。因此,本研究以社群商務網站「Fashion Guide時尚美妝傳媒」之使用者為標的,從揭露決策模型的觀點探討個人面的社會臨場感,及情境面的網路特性,包含:網路強度及網路中心性,對自我揭露程度的影響,並進一步探討自我揭露對於平台產生的承諾。透過問卷調查,本研究總共蒐集303份有效問卷,結果顯示社會臨場感、網路中心性及網路強度會正向影響自我揭露深度;社會臨場感及網路強度會正向影響自我揭露廣度;自我揭露深度及廣度會強化使用者虛擬社群意識,並進而提升對於平台的承諾。


Previous studies discuss the antecedents of self-disclosure mainly on the basis of personal benefits or interpersonal relationships, but few studies focus on network situations or personal differences. In addition, previous studies mostly shed lights on the impacts of self-disclosure on the users, rather than on online retailers. Based on the Disclosure Decision Model, this study investigates the influences of social presence (situational perspective), and the influences of network characteristics (personal perspective) on self-disclosure, which will further impact continuance commitment toward online retailers. Questionnaire survey was used to collect data from 303 respondents who have ever used Fashion Guide website. The findings show that social presence, network centrality, and network strength have positive influence on depth of self-disclosure, whereas social presence and network strength positively impact breadth of self-disclosure. Both depth and breadth of self-disclosure influence sense of community, which will further have impacts on commitment toward online retailers. The findings would provide suggestions and recommendations for online retailers to enhance users' disclosure behaviors in social commerce Websites.


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