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Creative Writing in an EFL Writing Class: Student Perspectives



Previous research on learning and teaching creative writing in English as a second or foreign language contexts has focused on courses or workshops devoted to writing of poetry or stories, very few studies have addressed how creative writing may be used in an EFL writing course to enrich students' learning and writing experience. Using in-depth interviewing as the main research tool, this paper investigates eight Taiwanese undergraduate students' experience of creative writing as an autonomous, free-choice writing assignment. Findings suggested that students conceptualized creative writing as free and unstructured, stimulating thinking and offering an opportunity for their imagination to run wild. In the one-year exploration of creative writing, students gradually developed their own approaches and exhibited different writing orientations, some drawing mainly from daily life experience and some leaning towards imagination. Overall, students' writing motivation, learner autonomy, and audience awareness were enhanced, which may be attributed to peer response groups and minimal teacher intervention in students' writing process. Implications of these findings for researchers and educators are discussed.




創意寫作 英語寫作教學 學生觀點


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