  • 期刊


Improvement Strategy for Drying Efficiency of Tunnel-Type Baking Oven: Production of Casting Risers as An Example




The foundry industry is closely related to the daily life of a human being, the development of medical or high technology and etc. while risers play an important role for improving quality during the casting production process. Therefore, the market demand for casting risers is large, and the requirement of the quality is strict. In addition, different castings require different types or sizes of risers. Thus the production line of risers is often required to quickly provide a wide range of products with high quality. In the process of riser production, the drying process is the bottleneck that is the most time-consuming and most prone to produce defective products. Based on the concept of lean management, the bottleneck station is the obstruction of value stream of the production line when the demand is strong. Therefore, the bottleneck point caused a lot of waste and caused operational losses, so improving the drying efficiency of the production process of risers is the most important task of this research. However, since the drying process is a bottleneck station, the production capacity must be maintained for continuing the daily production schedule during looking for strategy to improve drying efficiency. In addition to consulting the relevant literature, this study also actually investigates the site of the tunnel-type baking oven used in the drying process. Combining the findings of literature and on-site investigation, two adjustable parameters affecting the drying efficiency are proposed, namely the speed of conveyor belt and the direction of heat flow. After that, this study proposes an improvement strategy based on the Taguchi method to find the optimal setting values of the above mentioned two parameters without affecting the daily production scheduling. The proposed improvement strategy was actually implemented in a major casting riser production company in Taiwan. The yield of one product of the case company was upgraded significantly for the drying process.


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