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The Effects of Goal Source and Goal Difficulty on College Students' Shooting Performance and Intrinsic Motivation


本研究的目的是:(一)探討目標來源與目標難度對籃球投籃表現的影響。(二)探討目標來源與目標難度在對內在動機的影響。本研究以德明技術學院學生180名(男 = 36;女 = 144)為研究對象,平均年齡19.62(±0.84)歲,平均身高162.33(±6.73)公分,本研究以籃下投籃為實驗項目,所有受試者以前測成績採共軛方式分為自設、參與設定及分派目標組,採目標來源與目標難度(3 X 3)的實驗設計。本研究以內在動機量表(朱素鑾,民85)為研究工具,以獨立樣本二因子變異數分析為統計方法。研究結果發現:1.目標來源與目標難度對投籃表現的交互作用達顯著水準:(1)在自設目標情形下的困難目標優於容易目標;中等目標優於容易目標。(2)在困難目標情形下的自設目標優於參與目標。2.不同目標來源對內在動機影響結果:(1)自設目標組的內在動機高於參與目標組。3.不同目標難度對內在動機影響結果:(1)中等目標組高於困難目標組。(2)容易目標組高於困難目標組。 研究結論:1.對大專生而言,教師可以考慮讓學生依前測成績,自行設定具有難度、明確且可行的目標,藉以提昇運動表現。2.教師在分派目標時應顧及學生的個別差異、目標受程度,並施予正向回饋以提高學生的內在動機,並期使提昇運動表現。


The purposes of this study were: 1. to explore the effect of goal source and goal difficulty on shooting performance; and 2. to explore the effect of goal source and goal difficulty on intrinsic motivation. The were 180 subjects drawn from Tak-Ming College of Technology (36 male and 144 female), with average age of 19.62 (±O.84) and average height of 162.33 (± 6.73). The experiment was a 3 X 3 factorial design. (goal source and goal difficulty), and under basket shot was used as the experimental task. Based on previous testing result, the participants were divided into three groups; self-set goal group, participation set goal group, and assigned goal group. The subject was administered Intrinsic Motivation Inventory, and the collected data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA (independent). The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The was interaction effect of goal source and goal difficulty on shooting performance.: (l) Under self-set goal condition, difficult goal had better shooting performance than of easy goal; moderate goal had better shooting performance than that of easy goal. (2) Under difficult goal condition, self-set goal had better shooting performance than that of participation goal. 2. There was difference of intrinsic motivation among different goal source: (1 ) self-set goal group had higher intrinsic motivation than that of participation set goal group. 3. There was difference of intrinsic motivation among different goal difficult. (l) moderate goal group had higher intrinsic motivation than that of difficult goal group (2) easy goal group had higher intrinsic motivation than that of difficult goal group. Based on the findings: 1. To the students of college, teacher should consider all the situation they would have. At first, let them to set the goal which was difficulty, correct and useful, and then to make our sport perfonnance better.2.When teacher assigned the goal, they should think about the individual difference and the level of goal acceptance of students. Meanwhile, teacher should give them some correct feedback to make their intrinsic motivation higher.


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