  • 期刊


The Effects of Strength and Endurance Exercise on calcium-regulating Hormones and Bone Markers Between Different Levels of Physical Activity in Female


對體內鈣質的保存,運動(exercise)和身體活動(physical activity)在促進骨骼新陳代謝的機械性之調節機制方面有正面的影響,亦是預防骨質疏鬆症(osteoporosis)的重要因素,但針對運動對於調節體內鈣離子激素在代謝方面的影響如何?則有待進一步探討。本研究目的在探討(1)不同身體活動對骨質密度的影響,(2)不同身體活動者從事急性高阻力的肌力運動和最大耐力運動時對人體血液副甲狀腺素和降鈣激素的影響。二十名女性受試者,其中十位爲高身體活動組(實驗組),平均訓練年資爲4.6±0.5年,並維持每週三次以上的跑步訓練。另十名爲爲低身體活動量組(控制組),在一年內無規律運動習慣。本研究的受試者,分別接受耐力性與肌力性二種不同運動方式後,測量依變項的變化,並以二因數共變數分析(two-way ANCOVA)比較肌力性(離心收縮)和耐力性運動(最大峰值耗氧量)羊後對不同身體活動者各依變項(副甲狀腺素、降鈣激素)的影響。結果如下:(1)長時間規律且較高的身體活動有助於女性增加心肺功能與肌肉力量(2)高強度肌力性運動對於高身體活動量之女性體內降鈣激素的刺激有助於保存骨骼中鈣質,對於骨質密度的促進有加成的效果。結論:維持規律的高身體活動量有助於提高女性的骨質密度。而肌力性運動對於女性身體骨質保存除物理性的機制外,肌力運動亦會影響降鈣激素的改變對於骨質保存亦有正面的助益。


Physical activity has been shown to maintain bone mineral density (BMD) through the effects of mechanical loading on bone metabolism. However, the effects of exercise on the calcium-regulating hormones and other metabolic variables are not known. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of strength and endurance exercise on parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin (CT) between males of different physical activity. Experimental group consisted of 9 very active males (runners) and the control group consisted of 10 males with no regular exercise within a year. Subjects were asked to perform both strength (eccentric action) and endurance exercises (V02 peak). The PTH and CT were measured before and after exercise. A two-way ANCOVA was used for data analysis. The results were as follow: (1) High physical activity with regular exercise can increase cardiovascular function and muscle strength in female. (2) Physical activity level is the major factor on bone density for female. High level of physical activity plus strength exercise can have additive effect on bone density. Conclusions: Regular high intensity exercise will help increase bone density. Strength exercise can maintain bone density not only through mechanical loading, but also through biochemical changes in PTH and CT which can positively affect bone density.


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