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Body mass index, the prevalence of overweight and obesity, and socioeconomic status among Taiwanese Adolescents: A longitudinal study from 2007-2012 physical fitness database




Introduction: This study investigated the distribution of body mass index (BMI) and the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Taiwanese adolescents. In addition, we explored the influence of socioeconomic status on the prevalence of obesity and overweight changes with age. Methods: Nationally representative data was obtained from Taiwan School Physical Fitness Database and the survey of family income and expenditure. A sample of 31,669 adolescents was drawn from Ministry of Education databases of physical fitness test whose body mass index was recorded from age 12 to 17 years. Furthermore, descriptive statistic and Pearson correlation coefficients were computed. Results: The findings showed that the structure among obesity and overweight adolescents was slightly changed, but an increase in BMI was found among obesity and overweight adolescents. There was gender differences in the prevalence of obesity and overweight and then a negative relationship was found between the average of family income per household in each district region and the rate of obesity among adolescents. Conclusion: This study revealed the distribution of BMI and the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Taiwanese adolescents. Moreover, socioeconomic status was negatively linked to adolescent obesity in Taiwan. This study proposed relevant suggestions based on the findings. In addition, it could be a formal reference for preventing adolescent obesity in the future of educational programs and interventions.


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