  • 學位論文


Identifying the Factors of Practicing Exercise Habit among Overweight and Obesity in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張明正 邱政元


本研究以中央研究院人文社會科學中心華人家庭研究計畫所實施之「華人家庭動態資料庫(Panel Study of Family Dynamic),簡稱PSFD」資料,取身體質量指數(Body Mass Index, BMI)24 以上者作為研究對象,探討分析臺灣地區體重過重與肥胖者運動參與習慣之影響因子。 本研究將第二年調查2000 年、第五年調查2003 年、第六年調查2004 年與第七年調查2005 年資料合併後,選擇BMI 值24 以上者作為研究對象,經刪除遺漏值後共有1,063 筆,及篩選平常有參與運動者605 筆作為本研究樣本。統計分析上,將個人特質、家庭生活及社經和個人運動參與習慣變項作次數分配分析;再將個人特質變項、家庭生活及社經和個人運動參與習慣變項作卡方檢定;最後將自變項對「有無運動參與」及對「有無從事有效減肥運動習慣」之兩個依變項進行兩個架構之邏輯斯迴歸分析,以探討其影響因子。 結果顯示年齡較高、男性、教育程度較高、無吸菸、有罹患慢性病、無煩惱、最近兩星期無身體不適影響生活作息、工作家事不耗體力、收入在60000 元以上者及收入在19999 元以下者,其進行運動參與的可能性較高;高年齡、無吸菸、自認健康不好、無收入或低收入與經常有運動同伴者,其進行有效減肥運動的可能性較高。經本研究探討國民運動參與習慣之影響因子,結果確定出過重與肥胖重點族群,了解其運動參與習慣行為和健康體適能的關聯,給予國人正確健康減肥運動觀念,並歸納出對衛生醫療政策涵義及規劃的參考。


This study used the dataset of the Panel Study of Family Dynamic (PSFD) which is from the programs for the study of Chinese Families on the Research Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Academia Sinica. The cases of Body Mass Index (BMI) over 24 were chosen to explore the factors of practicing exercise habit among overweight and obesity in Taiwan. There were 1,063 adults whose BMI are over 24 BMI from the data of the year of 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2005. Among these 1,063 people, there were 605 adults who do exercise regularly. After controlling individual characters, socio-economical family life and practicing exercise, the logistic regression was conducted to explore the factors of practicing exercise and effective way of regular exercising to reduce weight. Among people whose BMI are over 24, certain characteristics are more likely to be associated with practicing exercise, groups of the elder, male,highly-educated, non-smoker, with chronic disease, without anxiety, with wealthy life style, within two weeks with no disease, working without physical strain, income over NT$60,000 per month and under NT$19,999 per month. Among people who do exercise regularly, those--elder, non-smoker, perceiving unhealthy, no income or low level of income and practicing exercise often with partner—were more likely to carry on the effective fat-reducing exercise. This study identified the groups of overweight and obesity and their association with practicing exercise habit and health fitness. The findings may help policy makers to design better policy for the overweight and obesity, to facilitate overweight and obesity to do more healthy fat-reducing exercise, and to apply the results to health promotion.




