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Exercise-induced expression of cardiac heat shock protein 70 in sex difference




Heat shock proteins (HSPs) functions were to maintain cellular homeostasis, facilitate repair of injured cells and provide protection against future insults. Recent studies supported that heat shock protein (asHSP70) could be a cardioprotective agent, and the protein expression may increase with exercise. However, there has sex difference in the cardiac shock protein 70 express aftERacute exercise. While males show a robust increase in cardiac shock protein 70 following a single bout of exercise, females may not. The sex difference seems mediated by estrogen and testosterone. Estrogen limits the exercise-related disruptions to cell homeostasis because of its fast-acting roles in the cardiovascular, such as membrane stabilizing, antioxidant, or vasodilatory properties. Although sex differences in the HSP70 expression, exercise training, as a nonpharmacological intervention, that associated up-regulation of HSP70 may prove effective in providing cardioprotection.


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