  • 期刊


Developing imagery ability: Three effective techniques




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The ability to generate and control images is an important key to the effectiveness of imagery interventions. However, not until recent years has, the method of developing imagery ability been gradually established and confirmed. This article will describe the theory, application and related research findings of three techniques of layered stimulus response training (LSRT), observation and PETTLEP imagery. It is hoped that by means of the techniques introduction and the latest research results, it will be used as a guide for the follow-up practitioners to promote the user's imagery ability, and the researchers can continue to explore more effective ways to improve imagery ability. Through it, we hope to let the imagery interventions much more achieve the desired goal.


imagery training observation interventions


Anuar, N.,Cumming, J.,Williams, S. E.(2016).Effects of applying the PETTLEP model on vividness and ease of imaging movement.Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.28(2),185-198.
Anuar, N.,Williams, S. E.,Cumming, J..Comparing PETTLEP imagery against observation imagery on vividness and ease of movement imagery.International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Anuar, N.,Cumming, J.,Williams, S.(2017).Emotion regulation predicts imagery ability.Imagination, Cognition and Personality.36(3),254-269.
Cumming, J.,Cooley, S. J.,Anuar, N.,Kosteli, M. C.,Quinton, M. L.,Weibull, F.,Williams, S. E.(2017).Developing imagery ability effectively: A guide to layered stimulus response training.Journal of Sport Psychology in Action.8(1),23-33.
