  • 期刊


The effects of different exercise modes on postprandial lipemia


長期處於較高的餐後三酸甘油酯(triglyceride, TG)濃度狀態下,是罹患心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease, CVD)的風險因子之一。持續性長時間的有氧運動會因為能量消耗(energy expenditure, EE)的刺激達到降低餐後TG濃度的效果,但近期文獻發現短時間高強度間歇性運動(high-intensity intermittent exercise, HIIE)對餐後血脂排除率也有明顯的提升。此外,肌肉組織中的脂蛋白脂解酶(lipoprotein lipase, LPL)活性的改變、飲食介入時間及脂肪氧化率也都是降低餐後血脂濃度的可能機轉。從大部份的研究結果發現,無論是分段式或連續性的有氧運動、低到中強度的阻力運動以及HIIE,皆有降低餐後血脂的效果發現。而單次HIIE則以較少的運動時間及EE的產生,應為較有效率的運動型態,建議生活忙碌的民眾可選擇HIIE來獲得身體活動後對餐後血脂所產生的益處。本研究亦可供讀者未來在控制餐後TG濃度及預防罹患CVD風險因子上為一重要參考文獻。


Postprandial triglyceride (TG) concentration is a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Prolong continuous aerobic exercises may reduce the postprandial TG with sufficient energy expenditure (EE). However, recent studies have showed that high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) may significantly increase the rate of postprandial TG clearance. In addition, the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in the skeletal muscle, time of diet intervention, and fat oxidation might be the mechanisms to decrease postprandial lipemia. Most studies have found that either intermittent or continuous aerobic exercise, low to moderate resistance exercise, and HIIE might improve the postprandial lipemia profiles. The acute HIIE with less time of exercise and the production of EE should be more efficient exercise mode. It is suggested that busy people can choose HIIE to gain the benefits of postprandial lipemia from physical activity. Additionally, this review study might serve as an important resource for readers to control postprandial lipemia and prevent the risk of CVD in the future.


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