  • 期刊


Field Research on Buddhist Mortuary Rituals and Precious Scroll Recitation in Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu




Performances of "precious scroll recitation" (xuanjuan 宣卷) ceremonies are still held in the southern parts of Zhangjiagang 張家港 City in Jiangsu Province, with local "masters of scripture telling" (jiangjing xiansheng 講經先生) working as precious scroll (baojuan 寶卷) performers in rites to help people expel calamities and pray for blessings. Such performances occupy a valued place in local communities, and have been recognized by the state as one form of Chinese intangible cultural heritage. In addition, a book entitled Heyang Precious Scroll Collections that was published by the government in 2007 preserves works reflecting local customs and religious life such as the Precious Scroll of Incense Mountain (Xiangshan baojuan 香山寶卷), Precious Scroll on Purgatory (Diyu baojuan 地獄寶卷), and Precious Scroll of the Ten Kings (Shiwang juan 十王卷). Precious scroll recitation performances continue to flourish, with the Precious Scroll of Incense Mountain in particular attracting extensive scholarly attention and numerous findings published in academic circles. However, research about the Precious Scroll on Purgatory is relatively rare, one reason being that it is used in Buddhist mortuary rituals for delivering the deceased to the Pure Land that are held in private family settings during the late evening and midnight hours. Since the most recent field study of these performances was conducted in 1997, this paper presents a full account of one such ceremony that was held in Zhangjiagang in June 2017, and analyses the editions and contents of the precious scrolls used on that occasion. The paper also compares these two ritual events to see how they have changed during the past twenty years, thereby helping us better understand the key roles that precious scrolls can play in local forms of Buddhist mortuary ritual.


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《 中國 . 河陽山歌集 》 。2006 。 著者不詳。 中共張家港市委宣傳部編 。上海 : 華東師範大學出版社 。
《 中國 . 河陽寶卷集 》 。2007 。 著者不詳。 中共張家港市委宣傳部編 。 上海 : 上海文化出版社 。
《 五部六冊 , 破十樣仙品第七 》 。 [ 1509 ] 1999。 羅清 ( 1442-1527 ) 。 收於 《 明清民間宗教經卷文獻 》 第 1 冊 。 王見川 、 林萬傳編 。 臺北 : 新文豐出版股份有限公司 。
《 古佛天眞考證龍華寶卷 》 。2005 。 著者不詳 。 收於 《 民間寶卷 》 第 3 冊 。 合肥 : 黃山書社 。
