  • 期刊

旅遊交通工具的選擇對旅遊消費支出決策影響之研究:Seemingly Unrelated Regression估計法

The Impact of Transport Mode Choices on Determinants of Travel Expenditure: Seemingly Unrelated Regression Approaches




Since 2001, when a two-day off per week policy was inaugurated, domestic tourism has soared significantly. Accordingly, both the average spending per person per trip and the number of domestic tours have grown, encouraging investments in related industries. This research explores the effects of transport choices on personal travel expenditure. It exhibits tourism expenditure in five patterns: total travel, transportation, accommodation, food and beverages, and shopping. This study adopted data from the Bureau of Tourism's Domestic Travel Survey 2012 and used Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations (SUR) to estimate tourists' expenditure on two travel modes: public and private transport. The occupational variables in the public mode indicate very little influence on tourism expenditure, whereas the variables in the private mode exhibit significant influence on the tourism expenditure. Therefore, tourism industries are well advised to map out different travel products for tourists from different transport modes in order to meet consumer demand in different markets.


交通部觀光局(2013) , 中華民國101 年國人旅遊狀況調查,【線上資料】,來源:https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/56bed5af-09ea-4f51-8f4c-c3ecacdb7ec4.odt [2018, December 21]【Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China (2013). Survey of Travel by R.O.C. Citizens, 2012, Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Retrieved December 21, 2018, from https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/56bed5af-09ea-4f51-8f4c-c3ecacdb7ec4.odt】
交通部觀光局(2012) , 中華民國100 年國人旅遊狀況調查,【線上資料】,來源:https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/6a69f6c4-bbc5-4083-aae7-30c2691574cc.odt [2018, December 21]【Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China (2012). Survey of Travel by R.O.C. Citizens, 2011, Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Retrieved December 21, 2018, from https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/6a69f6c4-bbc5-4083-aae7-30c2691574cc.odt】
交通部觀光局(2011) , 中華民國99 年國人旅遊狀況調查,【線上資料】, 來源:https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/372d5fef-a788-43b3-8b4c-d4b60239f346.odt [2018, December 21]【Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China (2011). Survey of Travel by R.O.C. Citizens, 2010, Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Retrieved December 21, 2018, from https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/FileDownLoad/FileUpload/372d5fef-a788-43b3-8b4c-d4b60239f346.odt】
吳欣憲(2009)。北宜高通車對宜蘭地區遊客遊憩行為規劃之影響研究。國立成功大學=National Cheng Kung University。
