  • 期刊


The Research to the creed of Religious Taoism about "integration of heaven and human beings"




天人合一 道教 丹道 性命雙修 形神俱妙


On the Interior Secretary for Home Affairs website, overall religions in Taiwan specifically introduced, part of these religions about Religious Taoism written by Chang-Sheng(張檉), the Secretary of Republic of China Taoist Association, demonstrates that "respecting and admiring our ancients and sky, helping everyone and everything, not doing overly to keep mind peacefully, living with rules of nature and universe, and above all to reach integration of heaven and human beings" is the basic creed in Religious Taoism. Therefore, "respecting and admiring our ancients and sky, helping everyone and everything, no doing overly to keep mind peacefully, and living with rules of nature and universe": are the four approaches for training, and "integration of heaven and human beings" is the final aim and the purpose of it. The four approaches include the thought of traditional Chinese ethics and some fundamental life attitude proposed by pre-Qin Dynasty Taoist practitioners. Worth to think, why are these four approaches? Where did they come from? Through the four ways to reach "integration of heaven and human beings" what is exactly it? This word "integration of heaven and human beings" we can see first time was invented by Chang-Zai(張載) in Song Dynasty. However, the metaphorical concept was originated from pre-Qin Dynasty, and has become a very important issue about the relation between sky and human beings in Chinese intellectual history. Therefore, as the final purpose of Religious Taoism training, what does it really mean? I suggest integration of heaven and human beings of Religious Taoism means utilizing internal and external Dan training to reach the state of "body and spirit able to overcome their own limitations, and merging with sky" which differs from "inspiring our internal and existed morality and moreover expanding and practicing it to reach sky" of Confucianism and "heaven and human beings become one" of Taoism. Despite Religious Taoism absorbing and merging moral practices of Confucianism, theories of Taoism, and theories and commandments of Buddhism, training both body and spirit is still the most harmony and important Dan training, and regarded as standard, so that we just can understand what "integration of heaven and human beings" precisely means in Religious Taoism and the difference from thinking of other religions.
