  • 期刊


A Project for Reducing Fatigue of Oncology Nurses




倦怠 護理師 腫瘤病房


The oncology nurses will feel burnout due to heavy cancer care work. In addition to affect the quality of care, negative work attitudes will also increase. This project aimed to reduce the fatigue of the oncology ward nurses by analyzing the causes of clinical nursing work, individuals' factors, shift system and environmental factors. The improving strategies included arrange cancer care/ anti-cancer treatment related training courses, reasonable care ratio, use technology information to simplify paperwork, make good use of aids, care experience sharing, music therapy, arrange leisure and relaxation activities, as well as proper scheduling, etc. After the project was promoted, the unit nurses felt that the proportion of work fatigued "often" or "always" decreased from 56.3% to 27.8%, effectively improving the workman's work fatigue and personnel. The transaction rate was reduced from 6.3% to 0%. It is concluded that the improvement strategy of this project can be used as a specific reference for the prevention and response of job burnout in the oncology ward.


fatigue nurses oncology ward


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