  • 期刊

The Effect of Integrating Learning Style with Mobile Cooperative Learning on Learning Achievement and Attitude





In a learning environment that integrates technology with cooperative learning, interaction is believed to be essential to improving learning. However, traditional desktop computers are not suitable for face-to-face interaction while mobile tools enable students to interact naturally. Moreover, computer-mediated communication may not totally benefit low achievers' performance and interaction. The heavy cognitive load from mobile learning deteriorates performance and learning style may affect cognitive load. More assistance to individual students becomes indispensable. This study developed a learning style, integrated with mobile cooperative learning environment system (LSIMCL). The results showed that the LSIMCL group performed better than the non-LSIMCL group. The low achievers outperformed the medium and high achievers in their learning increase. Moreover, the LSIMCL students had more score growth and perceived the environment to be more adaptable, interactive, and satisfying than the non-LSIMCL group. In the non-LSIMCL group, the low achievers had more difficulty, needed more effort and attention when reading the e-book than the other achievers, while there was no difference for the LSIMCL group. The findings would be valuable for instructors who intend to develop a mobile cooperative learning environment while taking individual learning differences into consideration.


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