  • 期刊


A Revisit on Characteristics of American Social Efficiency Research Paradigm Applied in China for the New School System in 1922




The Chinese educational system set up in the 1920s has not been well understood, due to the lack of examination from the "Social Efficiency" perspective of American Progressive Education. This study analyzed several first-hand historical materials such as the articles, school grades and course records, and dissertations of the five educational psychologists who obtained their doctoral degrees from the United States: Liao Shicheng, Du Zuozhou, Ai Wei, Chen Xuanshan, and Wang Fengqie. The philosophy of Social Efficiency brought back by them had an immense impact on the scientific, economic, and efficient influences on modern Chinese education. In the scientific part of education, they conducted psychological experiments on school subjects, established experimental schools, promoted teaching experiments, and developed psychological tests. From the standpoint of educational economics and efficiency, these scholars participated in or advocated a 6-3-3 school system, comprehensive middle school, general and vocational tracked courses, scientific formulation of curriculum, ability placement, and vocational guidance. It is found that the role of Dewey or Children-center-ism may only be at the level of slogan rhetoric. The real victory, ever since then and till now, might be in its rival camp, which is the Social Efficiency School as more than 80% of the scholars in China and later in Taiwan have mastered their education through studying abroad.


中國第二歷史檔案館編(1991)。中華民國史檔案資料匯編(第 3 輯,教育)。南京市:江蘇古籍出版社。
