  • 期刊


Analysis and Strategy of Elite International Women's Artistic Gymnastics Results


本研究目的在探討國際優秀女子競技體操成績之分析與策略,期望對臺灣選手在2020年奧林匹克運動會取得佳績有所助益。本研究以參加2018年亞洲運動會(簡稱2018亞運會)、2018年世界競技體操錦標賽(簡稱2018世錦賽)及第43屆競技體操世界盃德國科特布斯站(簡稱第43屆世界盃)之女子跳馬、高低槓、平衡木和地板項目決賽前8名選手為研究對象,觀察其成績之難度(difficulty, D)分、實施(execution, E)分、中性扣分與最後得分。研究結果發現在跳馬項目上,各變數間正相關的情形較其他項目多,在2018亞運會及2018世錦賽E分與中性扣分呈正相關,2018亞運會及第43屆世界盃D分與最後得分呈正相關,三場賽事E分與最後得分都呈現正相關,可見D分、E分在跳馬項目上的重要性,顯示提高D分與E分在此跳馬項目都為重要的因會直接影響到最後得分。在高低槓項目上,E分與最後得分在三項賽事中皆是正向高相關的。在平衡木項目,E分與最後得分成績分散不集中,此為臺灣選手好的突破點,三項賽事E分與最後得分皆為正相關,增加實施得分便能增加最後得分,躋身前幾名。在地板項目,各賽事成績分布集中,2018亞運會罕見出現D分與E分成負向顯著相關,而2018世錦賽及第43屆世界盃皆有E分與最後得分成正相關的結果,提高E分便能得到高的最後得分。本研究結論:國際女子競技體操之單項競賽以平衡木為奪牌關鍵項目,反觀臺灣選手亦是如此。


The purpose of this study was to analyze and discuss elite international women's artistic gymnastics results, devising a competitive strategy as a result. This is expected to aid Taiwanese gymnasts in achieving elevated results at the 2020 Olympic Games. The subjects were the top eight gymnasts who participated in the finals at the 2018 Asian Games, the 2018 Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) Artistic Gymnastics World Championships (hereinafter referred to as the 2018 World Championships) and the 43rd Turner der Meister FIG Individual Apparatus World Cup (hereinafter referred to as the 43rd World Cup). This study analyzed the difficulty (D) score, execution (E) score, neutral deductions, and final score for all three competitions. Results indicate that there were more positive correlations between the variables in the vault event than other events. The E scores were positively correlated with the neutral deductions at the 2018 Asian Games and the 2018 World Championships. The D scores were positively correlated with the final score at the 2018 Asian Games and the 43rd World Cup. The E scores were positively correlated with the final score in all three competitions. The importance of the D and E scores will thus directly affect the final score in the vault event. The E score and the final score were positively correlated among all three competitions in the uneven bars event. The E score and the final score were scattered in the balance beam event, indicating a valuable opportunity for Taiwanese gymnasts. The E scores were positively correlated with the final score in all three competitions; therefore, increasing the E score will increase the final score and rank among the top eight. For all three competitions, the distribution of results in the floor exercise was concentrated. There was a rare result of a negative correlation between D score and E score at the 2018 Asian Games. There was a positive correlation between the E score and the final score at both the 2018 World Championships and the 43rd World Cup. Increases in the E score will result in a high final score. In conclusion, the apparatus finals of elite international women's artistic gymnastics take balance beam as the key event for winning the medal, as do Taiwanese gymnasts.


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