  • 期刊

The Effect of Suspension Exercise Training for High School Baseball Players



目的:本研究的目的是針對於高中棒球選手介入八週的懸吊式穩定阻力訓,以了解懸吊式穩定阻力訓對於下肢平衡、腰部協調性、及運動表現的影響。方法:共有21位高中棒球隊運動員參與,選手並隨機分派至控制組及訓練組;訓練組選手進行八週、每週一次懸吊式不穩定阻力訓練,懸吊式不穩定阻力訓練總共8個上肢及6個下肢運動。在訓練介入前後進行腰部協調性測試、下肢平衡能力測試、及運動表現測試(擲遠、揮棒速度、及60公尺衝刺)。使用無母數Wilcoxon符號等級檢定分別分析兩組在訓練介入前後之不同及Mann- Whitney U檢定比較兩組訓練介入前後改變量之差異。結果:訓練組在運動介入後腰部協調性(進步19.15 ± 13.12%)及揮棒速度(進步17.30 ± 14.66%)均有些許的顯著性改善(p < .05),控制組均無顯著改變;其餘變數則無顯著差異。結論:研究結果顯示每週至少一次、持續八週的懸吊式不穩定阻力訓練對於高中棒球選手可些許改善腰部協調性及增加揮棒速度。在肌力訓練應用上,可在日常訓練中加入懸吊式不穩定運動訓練,以輔助正規訓練。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an 8-week suspension exercise training program on the lumbar coordination, balance, and baseball-specific performance (distance throw, 60-m sprint, and bat swing speed) of high school baseball players. Methods: Twenty-one high school baseball players participated in this study and were randomly divided into 2 groups: a control group and a suspension exercise training group. The suspension exercise training was intervened in training group which consisted of 8 movements of the upper extremities and 6 movements of the lower extremities, and was conducted once per week for 8 weeks during off-season. The performance of the participants in both groups in the lumbar coordination assessment, lower-extremity balance test, distance throw, 60-m sprint, and bat swing speed was evaluated before and after training. The nonparametric Wilcoxon signedrank test was used to analyze the differences in performance before and after the exercise intervention. The Mann- Whitney U test was used to compare the percentage changes in the pre-training and post-training values of the suspension exercise training group and control groups. Results: The suspension exercise training group exhibited a little significant improvement in the lumbar coordination test (from 0.85 ± 0.11 cm to 0.67 ± 0.15 cm) and bat swing speed (from 106.55 ± 18.89 km/hr to 122.73 ± 9.97 km/hr) after training (p < .05) and no significantly improved was showed in control group. The participants also exhibited no significant differences in other outcome measures. Conclusion: The suspension exercise training conducted once per week for 8 weeks improved a little bite of lumbar coordination and bat swing speed. The suspension exercise training can be applied as a supplemental training method in regular training.
