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Effect of eight-week battling rope and battling rope plus weight training on teenagers' Aerobic and Core Muscle Strength Performance


近年來戰繩訓練盛行,由於繩子重量固定無法自由調配,所以將繩子加入啞鈴以增加繩子重量,比較訓練效果是否比只用戰繩更佳。目的:本研究以青少年為對象,進行八週的戰繩負重訓練、戰繩訓練以及重量訓練課程介入,觀察介入前、後對青少年的體適能差異。方法:本實驗以32位青少年為對象,將人數均分成四組,分別為戰繩訓練組、戰繩負重組、重量訓練組以及控制組,實驗前先對受試者進行前測,訓練介入八週後再進行後測。有氧能力以YO-YO TEST進行測驗;核心肌力、核心肌耐力以仰臥起坐方式測驗。蒐集各項數據資料後,換算成各項訓練進步率,以獨立樣本單因子變異數進行分析,如達差異則利用Bonferroni法進行事後比較。結果:在有氧能力方面,戰繩負重組與戰繩訓練組都比重量訓練組以及控制組有更好的表現;核心肌力、核心肌耐力方面,戰繩負重組的效果最佳。結論:戰繩負重介入能有效提升核心肌力與肌耐力,因此建議教練與選手日後在戰繩訓練,想增加核心肌力及肌耐力,需依選手的能力調整繩子重量,繩子重量達選手超負荷的訓練,才能有效提升選手的訓練效果。


YO-YO TEST 仰臥起坐 肌耐力


Purpose: This study used teenagers as the object, conducted eight weeks of battling rope weight training, battling rope training, and weight training courses intervention, to observe the differences in the teenagers' physical fitness before and after the intervention. Method: This experiment used 32 teenagers as subjects and divided them into four groups, namely the battling rope training group, the battling rope weight training group, the weight training group, and the control group. Before the experiment, the subjects were pre-tested and the training intervention was performed. After eight weeks, the post-test will be performed. Aerobic capacity is tested by YO-YO TEST; core muscle strength and core muscle endurance are tested by sit-ups. After collecting various data, convert them into various training progress rates and analyze them with one-way ANOVA. If differences are reached, the Bonferroni method is used for post-mortem comparison. Results: In terms of aerobic capacity, the battling rope regrouping and battling rope training groups performed better than the weight training group and the control group; in terms of core muscle strength and core muscle endurance, the battling rope regrouping had the best effect. Conclusion: The weight-bearing intervention of the battling rope can effectively improve the core muscle strength and muscle endurance. Therefore, it is recommended that coaches and players train on the battling rope in the future. To increase the core muscle strength and muscle endurance, the rope weight should be adjusted according to the player's ability. Load training can effectively improve the training effect of the players.


Yo-Yo Test Sit-Ups Muscular Endurance


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