  • 期刊

Validating the LACE Index for Predicting 30-Day Readmission and Early Death Risks, and Preliminary Results of Integrating with the 8P Tool, among Gastroenterology Ward Patients of a Medical Center in Taiwan



Objectives: To validate the suitability of the LACE index to predict the risks of 30-day readmission or early death, and to explore the usefulness of the LACE index and the 8P risk assessment tool in reducing the 30-day readmission risk. Methods: This study utilized the 2015 claims database of gastroenterology wards of a medical center in central Taiwan. The C-statistic and logistic regression were used to analyze the discrimination, suitability, and equations of the LACE index. The Chi-square test was used to determine the usefulness of an integrated LACE index and 8P risk assessment tool in terms of reducing the 30-day readmission rate. Results: The C-statistic predictions of 30-day readmission or early death using the LACE index were 0.605 (30-day readmission or early death, p < 0.001), 0.597 (30-day readmission, p < 0.001), and 0.759 (risk of early death, p < 0.001), and logistic regression exhibited explanatory powers of 90.8 (30-day readmission or early death, p < 0.001), 91.4 (30-day readmission, p < 0.001), and 98.3 (risk of early death, p < 0.001). In comparison with the conventional care model, use of the integrated LACE and 8P system significantly reduced the risk of 30-day readmission (p = 0.0101). Conclusions: The LACE index is a tool for predicting early death or unplanned readmission, and has been proved to be of benefit in evaluating risk by a simple method. The information system can be used to calculate real-time scores of patients during hospitalization in a fast and accurate manner. The 8P tool can analyze patients' specific issues and arrange suitable interventions in advance. Combined, these applications can effectively reduce readmission rates in medical centers.


目標:本研究期驗證LACE評估分數運用於非開放性醫療體系病人出院後30日內再住院及死亡風險評估之適配性。並了解導入LACE與8P制度對病人出院後30日內再住院情形是否有顯著改善。研究方法:本研究以樣本醫院胃腸肝膽內科病房之2015年健保申報資料庫住院申報案件為樣本,使用c統計量針對LACE評估工具預測之一致性進行檢定;以羅吉斯迴歸檢定LACE評估分數之適配性,並計算預測再住院或早期死亡機率之迴歸方程式;針對案件出院後30日內再住院情形進行卡方檢定,檢視導入結合工具後再住院情形是否有差異。研究結果:LACE分數用於預測個案出院後30日內再住院率或早期死亡之c統計量為0.605(出院後30日內再住院或早期死亡)、0.597(出院後30日內再住院)與0.759(早期死亡early death),p值皆小於0.001。羅吉斯迴歸解釋力係數分別為90.8(出院後30日內再住院或早期死亡)、91.4(出院後30日內再住院)與98.3(早期死亡early death),p值皆小於0.001。表示LACE分數於預測住院個案出院後30日內再住院或早期死亡情形之解釋力良好。另外,相較傳統照護模式,透過LACE及8P介入制度,可有效降低病人出院後30日內再住院情形(p = 0.0101)。結論:目前存在許多不同之評估病人再住院之方法,惟LACE評估系統具有相對簡易且客觀之分數,可運用資訊系統自動計算,於病人住院時即時計算分數,藉以篩選出高再住院風險之病人,結合醫師使用8P篩選工具進行深入問題評估,針對可能引發再住院之問題進行介入,無論醫院是否屬於開放性醫療體系,LACE與8P工具之結合落實,證實確可降低病人再住院情形,有效提高醫療照護品質。
