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In Search of the Happiness: A Study on the Factors Influencing Online Gamer Perceived Well-Being




Online games have become one of the main leisure activities in all walks of life. Accordingly, how online game players feel and perceive about online game participation is a subject worth exploring. With the increasing pressure of modern life and the sense of alienation between people, it is expected that players can have physical and spiritual improvement and thus raise their own happiness from online games which is a medium of emotional communication and recreation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among social support, enduring involvement, flow experience, leisure benefits, and well-being on online game players, with an aim to increase non-player's positive view for online game. For this purpose, this study investigates the relationship among social support, enduring involvement, flow experience, leisure benefits, and well-being on online game players. After reviewing the relevant literature, it builds a research model to examine the relationship among social support, enduring involvement, flow experience, leisure benefits, and well-being on online game players. For data collection, this study adopts online questionnaire survey on online game players. Finally, a total of 617 effective questionnaires are collected and analyzed. The results show that gamers' flow experience has a positive effect on their well-being, while enduring involvement and leisure benefits don't. Such results indicate that gamers' well-being comes mainly from the flow experience in playing the games. Moreover, although the involvement does not have a direct effect on wellbeing, it still holds an indirect effect on well-being through flow experience. Surprisingly, the leisure benefits do not bring along any well-being. In any case, the social support generates its extensive effects on all the enduring involvement, flow experience, and leisure benefits.


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