  • 期刊

Seroprevalence of Leptospiral Infection among Attended Dogs in Taiwan



為了解台灣目前就診犬之鉤端螺旋體抗體陽性率及尿液帶原的情況。自2003年2月到10月,由各地獸醫診所收集313個犬血液和尿液,同時請獸醫師與畜主填寫問卷。血清抗體的顯微凝集試驗(microscopic agglutination test, MAT)的結果,總血清抗體陽性率23.0%(72/313)。尿液樣本的培養及聚合酶鏈反應(polymerase chain reaction)偵測結果皆呈陰性。鉤端螺旋體血清群抗體陽性率如下:Canicola 16.0%,lectero-haemorrhagiae 15.7%,Shermani 2.6%,Pyrogenes 1.3%,Bataviae 1.0%,Pomona 0.3%,Javanica 0.3%,Tarassovi 0.3%及Australis 0.3%。配對問卷調查,發現年內曾施打疫苗的就診犬其抗體陽性率顯著高於施打超過一年或未接種疫苗者(P<0.01)。就診犬的鉤端螺旋體抗體主要是由於疫苗施打引起。


Our objective is to investigate the seroprevalence among owned dogs from veterinary clinics in Taiwan. Three hundred and thirteen sera of dogs visiting clinics were collected from Feb to Oct. 2003. Questionnaires of each dog were requested at the same time. The carrier state was detected from urine by culture and polymerase chain reaction. The results came out all negative. The anti-Leptospira antibody titers examined with microscopic agglutination test gave an overall seropositive (≧1:100) rate 23.0% (72/313). The rates of individual serogroups were Leptospira interrogans Canicola 16.0%, L. interrogans Icterohaemorrhagiae 15.7%. L. santarosa Shermani 2.6%. L. interrogans Pyrogenes 1.3%, L. interrogans Bataviae 1.0%, L. interrogans Pomona 0.3%, L. bargpetersenii Javanica 0.3%, L. borgpetersenii Tarassovi 0.3% and L. interrogans Australis 0.3%. We found 47.0% dogs were vaccinated within a year based on the questionnaires analyzed. The seropositive rate of vaccinated dogs is significantly higher than non-vaccinated dogs (P < 0.01). We may consider the presence of leptospiral antibodies in owned dogs in Taiwan was mostly caused by vaccination.


Canine leptospirosis Attended dog Vaccine


