  • 期刊


Later Style and End-of-Life Perception: Distinction between Reaching the Brink of Life and previous works of Yang Jiang




Following the concept of Latter Style framed by Edward W. Said and the idea of end-of-life perception proposed by Yasunari Kawabata, this paper discusses how Reaching the Brink of Life-Yang Jiang's last prose-differs from her previous works. In this work, Yang Jiang argued life consists of spirit and flesh and that keeping our spirits up will prevent it from dampening as flesh aging. Though it inherits the idea of Socrates in the Phaedo, it does not suggest this work is neither ordinary nor trivial. Furthermore, Reaching the Brink of Life reveals the ultimate and mysterious demand of an elderly person facing imminent death for spirituality and life wisdom. Yang Jiang is an example of "sapient senior"- demonstrating the matureness and wisdom that an elderly accumulated during adulthood at the end of life.


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