  • 期刊


The Literature of the Age of the "Superreal"


在讓.鮑德里亞(Jean Baudrillard)的「超真實」理論中,後現代社會對於真實世界的認知被媒介資訊所覆蓋並掌控,形成一種新的現實觀念。而在當下的中國,來自科技的快速廣泛運用同樣全方位改寫著社會景觀,人工智慧、區塊鏈、虛擬實境、生物編輯等技術概念進入大眾話語體系,同樣也對文學創作者把握現實造成更大的挑戰。本文從借助AI進行寫作實踐開始,探討科技環境對文學寫作本身的改變,再借由蘇恩文(Darko Suvin)、朱瑞瑛(Seo-Young Chu)、詹明信(Frederick Jameson)的理論分析科幻小說對於科技時代現實的再現與摹仿能力為何超越了傳統文學類型,並提出科幻寫作者如何應對科技發展、媒介革命以及美學失範的外部挑戰,力求實現文類突破。


科幻 現實主義 超真實


According to the "hyperreality" theory from Jean Baudrillard, the cognition of real world was overwritten and controlled by the mediums and information in the postmodern society and has formed a new perspective of reality. In contemporary China, the fast and vast application of technologies also rewrite the scape of society. Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Genetic Engineering...all these techniques and concepts invaded into the discourse system of the mass, and brought up bigger challenges to the capability of capturing the truths and facts as a writer. This article starts from using A.I. to assist writing to discuss the change of writing process itself within the technology context. Then, it borrows the theories of Darko Suvin, Seo-young Chu and Frederick Jameson to prove that why science fiction excels traditional genres in representing and mimicking reality of the technology era. It also gives suggestions on how science fiction writers should face the external challenges of technology development, medium revolution and aesthetic anomie and achieve the genre writing break-through.


science fiction realism supperreal
