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The Secular as Sacred --Confucian-Buddhist Interoperability in the Engaged Buddhism of Master Cheng Yen's Self-cultivation Theory




慈濟 儒家 證嚴法師 人間佛教 儒佛會通


The Engaged Buddhism popular in contemporary Taiwan has many aspects in common with Confucian tradition, and this development in Buddhism has a history of about one hundred years, originating with Master Taixu (1890-1947). From the perspective of Confucian and Buddhist thought, this paper considers the activities of Tzu Chi, the largest and most socially-engaged of Taiwan's Buddhist organizations, and the teachings of its founder, Master Cheng Yen (1937-). The study explores ways in which Engaged Buddhism supports Confucian methods of self-cultivation as it faces its own contemporary challenges. Tzu Chi took form within Confucian society, and Confucian self-cultivation theory has greatly influenced the teachings of Master Cheng Yen. This article shows how Engaged Buddhism is deeply influenced by the secular spirit of Confucianism, and how Master Yan Zheng uses Confucian thought as the "door for teachings to enter the world," so that charitable deeds become the way for members of Tzu Chi to walk the path of a Bodhisattva. This is the aim of the way where "the provisional has many doors, with only one road back to the beginning;" and teachings for the human world ultimately return to the aim of a departure from the human realm, while also showing Engaged Buddhism's creative ideas.


《大般涅槃經》《大正藏》第 12 冊。
《楞嚴經》,《大正藏》第 19 冊,第 945 號。
宋.朱熹,《四書章句集注》,臺北:大安出版社,2012 年。
