  • 期刊


Analysis on the Shortage of Rural Labor Force in Taiwan and Its Prospective Countermeasures--The Proposal of "Renting Land and Employing Farmers"




According to the results of the 2010 general survey of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and animal husbandry in Taiwan, the managers engaged in agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry in Taiwan are getting older and older. Taking 720,345 farmers and herdsmen as an example, the average age of their managers is 62.04 years old, and the proportion of over 65 years old is as high as 44%, and the proportion of education below primary school is more than 54%. It is obvious that the problem of agricultural labor force in Taiwan is increasingly serious. Rural labor force only needs to rely on the elderly, foreign brides, and escape foreign workers. However, the thinking mode of agricultural officials and scholars and experts is still limited to industrial adjustment, labor recruitment and scheduling training, and opening up agricultural foreign labor. It is necessary to put forward bold and innovative countermeasures. Therefore, the author proposes "renting land and employing farmers" .The idea is that the government acts as a public lawmaker to lease land to farmers and pay them wages. If the quantity and amount of agricultural products after the income exceeds a certain proportion, the agricultural products transaction tax will be levied. In this way, the farmers left behind in rural areas can enjoy the "rent" income and guarantee their minimum wage. Only in this way can the farmers' willingness to work in agriculture be improved It is the effective countermeasures to solve the problem and improve the shortage of rural labor force.
