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Family Caregivers Caregiving Patterns and Stress Related to Gender in Patients with Chronic Disability




Objectives: Patients with chronic disability are increasing year by year, and the stress faced by family caregivers is worthy of attention. The aim of this study was to investigate the gender differences in caregiving patterns and stress of family caregivers in patients with chronic disability. Methods: This is a quantitative study. The participants included 244 family caregivers of patients with chronic disability. The caregivers were asked to fill out personal information and the Family Caregivers Stress Scale. Results: Of the 244 participants, 129 are female (52.87%) and 115 are males (47.13%). The average age is 55 years old. About 20% of the caregiving time is more than 10 years. There are less than 1% people who use the respite care service. Compared with foreign nursing workers, female family caregivers choose more family members to share the caregiving works; while male family caregivers choose foreign nursing workers or family members as well. In related to family relationships of receiving, female family caregivers have a similar proportion of spouses, parents and parents in-laws; male family caregivers mostly take care of their parents, second is a spouse, and there is no proportion of parents in-laws. In the Family Caregiver Stress Scale, in psychosocial factors, physical factors, emotional factors, social economic factors and total scores, female family caregivers are more pressured than men. Conclusions: Female family caregivers felt more stress than male, and may be related to physical status, caregiving strategies, emotion regulation skills and other social resources assistance. It is worthwhile to establish intervention strategies.


中華民國家庭照顧者關懷總會(2007)。2007 家庭照顧者現況調查。取自https://www.familycare.org.tw/sites/default/files/2007%E5%AE%B6%E5%BA%AD%E7%85%A7%E9%A1%A7%E8%80%85%E7%8F%BE%E6%B3%81%E8%AA%BF%E6%9F%A5.pdf。
