  • 期刊

From Motivation to Autonomy Study of the Device on Line 7 jours sur la planète

從學習動機至自主學習以7 jours sur la planète線上學習網站爲例


媒體與網路資源的運用已成教學中很重要的一部分。其中,尤以教學網站的應用最引人注目。教學網站似可直接供教學使用,但如何將其內容納入日常的課程大綱,對教師而言卻是相當困難。再者,教師該如何引導學生學習,培養學生建立屬於自己的學習策略?本文以教學網站7 jours sur la planète的使用狀況爲研究範例。針對六十多位台灣法語學習者,三年來的學習情形進行分析。研究成果顯示,學習者在利用此教學系統來輔助學習後,的確有提振學習動機的效果,進而激勵學生更主動自發地學習。


It is noticeable that the media, including the Internet, have formed an integral part of the teaching training and the application of educational websites plays therefore an interesting role. However, though it seems that these educational websites can provide raw teaching materials directly and instantly, the integration into the daily school program is still difficult for the teachers. Besides, the educational websites allow especially an independent or self-directed training, yet this kind of training stresses on an independence from the part of the pupils. How should the teachers lead students to their own learning, so that the students can adopt their own training strategies? This article is going to show a concrete instance over the utilization of a didactic website from our learners in Taiwan: the 7 jours sur la planète from the website of French National TV channel (TV5 Monde). The article will discuss the results of the research undertaken throughout three years. It will aim at the suggestions and analysis of the difficulties and the problems encountered during the time of the research. In addition, the study will also evaluate the learning results and achievement of the learners through using this teaching system, in order to conclude the positive aspect of the Website in student's learning.


Ferone Georges(2008).Un projet pour… Mettre les TICE au service des apprentissages.Paris:Delagrave Edition.
Mangenot François et Louveau Elisabeth(2006).Internet et la classe de langue.Paris:CLE International.
Hwang Bin-Ru,C. Yong,M-H Chung,C. Wang(2009).Projet de recherche National Science Council (NSC 97-2410-H-160-008-),《Analyse des questionnaires du Test de Connaissance du Français》.dirigé par Bin-Ru HWANG.1
Page consultée en décembre
