  • 期刊

Focus on Form and Focus on Forms: Teaching Issues in Second Language Writing Instruction



長久以來,學者對語意形式教學(focus on form)及全形式教學(focus on forms)這兩種教學法應用在第二語言教學上的成效,看法態度皆不一致。有些人認為語意形式教學較全形式教學法有效,有些則對此論點持保留觀望的態度。在這樣的背景下,本文首先介紹這兩種教學觀點之來源與爭議,並討論兩法如何運用於第二語言寫作教學。本文強調寫作教學不應侷限於單一教學方式,除了思考如何在語意形式教學及全形式教學間取得平衡,善用兩者優點,更須根據Brown(2001)的寫作能力互相關聯(interconnectedness)主張,針對不同的學生需求、個別差異、與情境,提供多樣的教學法以助學生能長期培養其寫作之正確性(accuracy)與流暢度(fluency)。


Previous studies have been inconsistent in their views of focus on form and focus on forms in the field of second language (L2) teaching. Some regard the focus on form approach as more conducive to L2 learning, while others disagree with that. This study attempts to examine the two approaches in relation to L2 writing instruction and addresses issues and problems associated with them. Instead of siding with one or the other, this study shows a need to balance focus on form with focus on forms in teaching writing. With a further discussion on Brown's notion of interconnectedness of grammatical, organizational, and communicative competences, the study suggests teachers adopt multiple approaches to help learners in their long-term development of writing fluency and accuracy.


Brown, H. D.(2000).Principles of language learning and teaching.New York:Addison Wesley Longman, Inc..
Brown, H. D.(2001).Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy.New York:Addison Wesley Longman, Inc..
Burgess, J.,Etherington, S(2002).Focus on grammatical form:Explicit or implicit?.System.30(4),433-458.
Casanave, C. P.(2004).Controversies in second language writing: Dilemmas and decisions in research and instruction.Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press.
Doughty, C. J.(ed.),Long, M.H.(ed.)(2003).The handbook of second language acquisition.Malden:Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
