  • 期刊


Witness the Suffering of Bereaved Individuals -The Usage of Membership Categorization Analysis




Research Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the "bereaved" identity knowledge and the relative contextual information of death, as well as how interaction with family members sharpens bereaved individuals' grief reactions through a semi-structured narrative interview. Research Methods: Ethnomethodological approach and Membership Categorization Analysis are adopted in this study. Research Findings: The result has showed that bereavement grief is shaped by a participant's cultural background; the relationship with the deceased, the handicap and their family role location, how other family members understand death, culture-bound coping modes of the bereaved, and the cause of death all have an effect on bereavement grief. Understanding the bereaved experience requires certain sensitivity to the cultural context of the death. Furthermore, some Taiwanese used implied and somatic methods to express their grief, which can only be identified by the contextual information within their personal narratives. Based on our research results, we recommend first exploring the daily life conditions and their narratives of the bereaved persons, instead of applying the theoretical model directly into his/her experience even before evaluating the bereavement or providing an intervention service.


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