  • 期刊


Xuanzang's Bone Relics During World WarⅡ




In the winter of 1942, troops of The Central China Expeditionary Army (Nanking Arsenal, Lieutenant Colonel Takamori) discovered Xuanzang's bone relics. The Japanese Army returned the relics to their Chinese allies in order to foster "Sino-Japanese Friendship", and the Wang Jingwei government ceremoniously rebuilt Xuanzang's Pagoda in 1944. Further, some fragments of Xuanzang's bone relics were transferred from Nanjing to Beijing and Tianjin by Chinese Buddhists. After the war, different questions regarding the discovery and distribution of Xuanzang's relics emerged in China, Japan, and Taiwan. For example, did the Japanese army steal Xuanzang's relics? How did Xuanzang's relics come to Japan? How many temples were in the possession of relic fragments? Are the relics real? Using diplomatic communications, newspapers, journals, and other historical materials collected in China, Japan, and Taiwan, this paper reexamines the circumstances of the wartime discovery and distribution of Xuanzang's bone relics.


《三藏遺骨案卷》,第7 冊,1946 年11 月,《歸還古器物》中華民國國史館所藏・外交部檔案(020000001062A)。
《玄奘三藏法師の遺骨に關する件》,《玄奘三藏の遺骨關係》《本邦における宗教及び布教關係雑件佛教關係》外務省外交史料館(I'-2-1-0-1-2),1955 年11 月9 日。
《重光大臣褚外交部長會談録》JARAC(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.B0231748000(第27-31 畫像),《支那事變ニ際シ新支那中央政府成立一件》,第二巻(A.6.1.1)日本外務省外交史料館。
《陸軍將校人事便覽》津野田喜長・大内那翁逸・塚田勝郎共編(防衛研究所戰史研究センター史料室所藏CD-ROM),2000 年。
