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Surfers' Flow Experience Model: The Moderating Effect of Perceived Risk




Purpose: Curiosity is a key factor that stimulates the explorative behaviors of humans. The intentions of satisfying curiosity and experiencing novel stimuli reactions generate motivation to participate in recreational activities, which in turn can generate a positive flow experience during or after participation. Therefore, this study investigated the interrelationships between curiosity, sensation seeking, and flow experience of recreational surfing adventure participants to verify the moderating effect of perceived risk in the model. Methods: Using the purposive sampling method, this study enrolled surfers living in the Twin Cities area of Yilan County; participants were administered structured questionnaires, and 520 valid questionnaires were obtained. Results: Using the partial least squares analysis method, this study found that curiosity had a positive impact on sensation seeking, and that sensation seeking had a positive impact on flow experience. In addition, a high perceived risk among surfers weakened the relationship between curiosity and sensation seeking, whereas a low perceived risk strengthened this relationship. Conclusion: The surfers with high perceived curiosity easily responded to sensation seeking and tended to generate flow experience. Furthermore, when the perceived risk level of participation went beyond an individual's control, it reduced the degree of sensation seeking produced by curiosity, thereby reducing the likelihood of continued participation in the activity in question. Finally, several recommendations for management and directions for future research are proposed in this paper.


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