  • 期刊


The Benefits of Music Listening on Exercise Performance and Mood State


近年來,聆聽音樂對於運動表現的影響開始受到學者們的關注。目的與方法:隨著音樂在運動上的應用逐漸普及,本文的目的在藉由相關文獻的蒐集,從中觀察聆聽音樂對提升運動表現與改善情緒之效益。結果與結語:綜合相關研究發現,聆聽音樂可以提升有氧、無氧、以及阻力運動的表現,並且改善運動時的情緒感覺。另外,當運動者的訓練程度較低,或是進行的運動強度較小,以及聆聽大於120 bpm(beat per minute)快節奏音樂,聆聽音樂對提升運動表現的效益更顯著。不過,也有研究結果無法支持聆聽音樂具有提升運動表現的效果,仍待更廣泛地探討。期望本篇文章能提供增進運動表現的輔助方法,以及音樂選擇的參考依據。


Recently, effects of music listening on exercise performance have received increasing attention from researchers. Purpose and Methods: Due to the growing prevalence of music used in sports, the purpose of this study was to explore the possible benefits of music listening on exercise performance and mood state during exercise. Results and Conclusion: The major findings of these studies have shown that listening to music can increase the aerobic, anaerobic, and resistance exercise performance. In addition, music listening can also improve exercise feeling. Furthermore, previous studies have indicated that when training level of an individual is lower, the exercise intensity is lower, and the music rhythm is faster (> 120 bpm), the benefits of music listening on exercise performance are significantly greater. However, some studies have failed to observe the benefits of music listening for aerobic, anaerobic, and resistance exercise. Therefore, more studies are needed to investigate the effects of music listening on exercise performance. This article may provide some recommendations regarding to music selections for exercise performance enhancement.


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