

Radicular cysts arising from primary teeth have been considered rare. Due to proximity to developing permanent tooth germs, the clinical diagnosis and managements of these cystic lesions at mixed dentition stage can be challenging. In this article, we presented a case of radicular cyst originated from left maxillary first primary molar after its root canal therapy in a 7.5-year-old girl. The cyst caused not only alveolar swelling and pain but also displacement of developing tooth germs of underlying permanent bicuspids. Following a complete cyst enucleation with preservation of the primary tooth, uneventful bone healing was achieved, and spontaneous re-alignment of displaced tooth germs observed. This case suggested that pulp therapy of a primary tooth could be a potential contributing factor for the development of a radicular cyst, indicating the importance and necessity of periodic follow-up for primary teeth following pulp therapy. Furthermore, a conservative surgical treatment for cyst removal at mixed dentition stage should be considered to avoid potential damages to developing tooth germs and to assure a smooth transition to permanent dentition.




根尖囊腫 乳牙 根管治療 囊腫剜出術
