  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Current Situations, Problems, and Feasible Response Countermeasures for the Information and Communication Security Management Mechanism of the Public Administration Organizations of the R.O.C---Focusing on the Information and Communication Products of the Huawei Company of the Mainland China




The "Huawei" telecommunications equipment products have formed a global issue. Countries have different opinions and attitudes between their national security policy and the future challenges and commercial merits of 5G networks. However, what are the current situations and predicaments facing by the central and local authorities of Taiwan government on dealing with the "Huawei" telecommunications equipment products in Taiwan? What are the suggested, feasible and nice solutions to this issue? This paper has listed four major points to discuss about this issue. Firstly, it discusses the current legislative policy of the national security in different countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea and European Union of the world. Secondly, this paper also analyzes the current status of our national security defense network in our central and local government. And what kinds of struggles and dilemmas facing by our government should be solved? Finally, this article also has submitted some feasible recommendations in order to solve this significant and complicated issue.


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