  • 期刊


The practical curriculum experiences and effects of affective behaviors after implementing the hybrid model of TPSR model integrated with Sport Education model


目的:探討TPSR(Teaching personal and social responsibility)責任教學融入運動教育模式,教師的實施歷程經驗,以及課程實施後對學生情意領域之責任行為影響。方法:以2位中學體育教師及其任教的班級學生為對象,實施十週二十節的責任模式與運動教育模式整合之雙模式課程,以質性研究的深度訪談、教師日誌、學生學習單等方式蒐集資料。結果:教師的課程實踐歷程經驗,包含如下:1.創新教學促進專業成長。2.促進學生分工合作與責任行為。3. TPSR責任教學促進課室管理。4. TPSR責任教學促進團隊凝聚力,降低團隊間的對立。5.單節時間較短,以兩節連上實施為佳,賽季時間可以再縮短。學生在課程實施後,對個人與社會責任的影響上,包含如下:1.尊重層級:(1)表現尊重他人的態度與行為。(2)情緒管理。(3)和平解決衝突。2.努力與合作層級:(1)積極參與。(2)正向的學習態度。(3)自我肯定。(4)團隊合作。3.自我導向層級:(1)目標導向的自我調整學習。(2)超越勝敗的精神。4.助人與領導層級:(1)關懷與助人。(2)領導。本研究結論為「TPSR責任教學融入運動教育模式」的課程,能夠促進教師創新教學與專業成長,提升學生的個人與社會責任行為,對情意行為形塑具有正面影響。結論:未來可以在體育課中,發展責任模式與運動教育模式的整合課程,有助於提升學生體育課的認知、技能與情意領域的全面學習效果。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore both teachers and students' experience after implementing TPSR strategies integrated into sport education model program. Methods: The participants contained two high school PE teachers and their students for 20 PE lessons in ten weeks. The research methods used qualitative research approach to collect data including in-depth interview, teachers' teaching diaries and students' learning worksheets. Results: The results showed that teachers' experiences were as follows: 1. The innovative teaching could improve teachers' professional growth. 2. To promote students' cooperation with work division and responsibility. 3. TPSR could promote classroom management. 4. TPSR could enhance team cohesion, reduce the opposition among different teams. 5. It has better learning effects to put two lessons together than just a single lesson, sport season can be shortened based on various situation. Students' learning experiences were as follows: 1. Level of respect: behave the attitude and behavior of respect others, emotional management and peacefully resolve the conflict. 2. Level of effort and cooperation: active participation, positive learning attitude, self-affirmation and teamwork. 3. Level of self-direction: goal-oriented with self-regulation learning, beyond the spirit of winning or failure. 4. Level of help and leadership: caring and helping others, leadership. It was concluded that "integrating TPSR into sport education model" can improve teachers' teaching innovation and professional growth, positively enhance students' personal and social responsibility and affective behaviors. Conclusion: In the future, it is worthy to develop an integrated TPSR into sport education model in PE curriculum and teaching, which will enhance students' comprehensive learning effects in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.


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