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The effect of morning and class-break exercise games on the basic exercise ability




Purpose: To explore an eight-week morning and class-break exercise games intervention program for first grade students in elementary school, and to implement the specific activities and implement them in school activities to understand the impact on the basic exercise ability in school children. Methods: The students of elementary School were studied. Both the experimental group and the control group were 27 people. The average age group was 7.06 years old and the control group was 6.99 years old. The exercise ability testing program is divided into five categories: balance ability, coordination ability, agility ability, explosive power ability, and speed ability. The 10 designed exercise games were used: creative paper games, jumping hula hoops, catching puppy tails, ghost catching people, I am a spider man, balance beam, you lose me, skipping rope, super good catcher, throwing bouncing ball. Results: (1) There were significant improvement effect on the balance ability. (2) There were the significant better improvement effect on coordination ability. (3) There were significant improvement effect on the agility ability. (4) There were significant improvement effect on the speed ability. (5) There were the significant better improvement effect on explosive power ability. Conclusion: To implement the eight-week morning and class-break exercise games intervention improved the basic exercise ability on elementary school students. This result can provides a reference to arrange activities for the elementary school teachers.
