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An Experimental Teaching Approach to Enhance Undergraduates Chinese Reading Proficiency by integrating Reading groups into Chinese Course




大學 中文課程 讀書會 閱讀 教學助理


Reading ability is the basis for development of learning skills. However, students receiving Chinese education tend to have no interest in reading due to excessive examinations. This approach aims to make students read books in a kind and profound manner, deepen and activate knowledge from reading with effective guidance, and cultivate students' reading interest and ability. On the other hand, this approach wishes to grow students' reading comprehension and stimulate their reflections during the time of sharing with others. Reading groups, in this approach, make students read thoroughly and provide them a place to discuss their experiences and views on books. Simultaneously, reading groups develop their reading interest and further reading ability. This project integrates after-classes reading groups into the curriculum of general Chinese course, which includes (1) the planning and recommendation of the reading lists; (2) the reading discussion in groups lead by teaching assistant (TA). Through the cooperative learning methods that the reading groups read and discuss together, the students can achieve the reading cycle from selecting, reading, responding to a book, while seeing the value of reading and consequently improving the learning efficiency of the Chinese classes. After the teaching practices, it was found that systematically integrating after-class reading activities into compulsory Chinese courses and training TA to lead the reading discussion strengthen students' reading interest, reading interpretation ability and narrative communication ability. On the whole, the integration of the reading group has positive benefits for the learning outcomes of the Chinese courses.
