  • 期刊


Qian Dawei's Confucianism - From the criticism and transformation of Han and Song studies




錢大昕 經世致用 性即理 心即理


Qian Dazhao (1728-1804), the word Xiaozheng, No. Xin, and Zhu Ting, was one of the most important historians in the Qing Dynasty. In fact, Qian Daxuan is not only affirmed in his achievements in history, but also has considerable contributions and research results in Jinshixue, Pediatrics, philology, phonology, avoidance, astronomical history, geography, literature, etc. And these research results are also highly respected by future generations of scholars. However, as Qian Dawei said: "There are two scholarships with Shi Yu," and can be found in the "Hidden Research Collection" and "Ten". In the book of driving a new book, I saw many articles, even articles on monographs. Qian Dawei emphasized that the first essence of Confucianism is the practicality and application of the world. In terms of positive aspects, Qian Dazhao reinterpreted according to the book and expressed his views. Qian Dazhen believes that the words in the book are nothing more than the "humanity" that "through the Minglun" desires. These people must be practiced and applied between people. Secondly, Qian Daxie also injects new ideas or impressions through the reading of the scriptures, and these new ideas or feelings are closely related to the politics, economy, and human relations of the country, such as the new interpretation of "University" and "The Doctrine of the Mean". Wait. On the negative facet, Qian Dazhao strongly criticized the theory of "the heart is the truth" of Song Confucianism, but greatly appreciated the "sexual reason" advocated by Zhu Xi and others. However, Qian Dazhao has a new interpretation of "sex", and he believes that "sex" must be discussed from the conscience and goodness of the filial piety, the filial piety. Interpret "rationality" into a meaning of "order" and "rule". This kind of rationality and rationale is actually a sense of "must" and "have to be". Qian Dazhen agreed with Zhu Xi's "sexual reason" theory, and absorbed it, but Qian Daxuan gave further transformation and showed the academic thoughts of Qian Jia in the Qing Dynasty. In a word, Qian Dazhao reveals his classics through positive new interpretation of classics and negatively through criticism of the development of classics. The practical view of the classics. Of course, on the other hand, it also indirectly shows its own history of history.


Qian Dazhao Practical use xìngjílǐ xīnjílǐ
