  • 期刊


Gender Beliefs in Choosing College Majors and Occupations in Taiwan


既有研究指出勞力市場的需求與供給面的運作機制促使性別不平等的持續。其中,大多數的社會學家從勞力市場需求面向來解釋性別隔離持續的現象;相較而言,這些研究較缺乏關注供給面向的運作機制特別是,科系與職業選擇的性別文化信仰。性別信仰(gender beliefs)的運作機制是強調男性與女性對於科系與職業的習慣性的選擇邏輯是在社會關係的脈絡中(包括家庭、學校、職場)被建構。既有別信仰的研究較為著重驗證因果邏輯以及將此議題放在西方的社會脈絡下來探究;但對於掌握性別信仰的深層的運作邏輯,以及擺在台灣社會的脈絡下的獨特運作機制上的解釋是不足的。本研究透過深度訪問法訪問了台灣社會年輕世代37位男女個案(50人次深度訪問),企圖勾勒家庭、學校與職場中的社會關係如何建構性別差異的科系選擇以及職業抉擇的慣性機制。本研究發現:第一,家庭、學校與工作場合共同建構了性別化的科系與職業文化信仰。第二,父母對學業成就期望所抱持的性別差異化邏輯、科系與職業選擇的性別適合性邏輯,是型塑子女性別化勞力市場的關鍵機制。第三,學校系統所運作的科系性別分化會顯見路徑依賴的邏輯。尤其在理工科系中,師長與男性同學會透過特殊化性別少數的運作邏輯,去強化男性在理工科系專業領域的優勢地位。第四,職場環境的性別信仰,主要體現出一種男性陽剛性/專業性/權威性、女性陰柔性/非專業性/可親近性的性別職業的角色邏輯;尤其在陽剛的工作場域中,「愛護」女性、優先拔擢男性,亦反映了職場性別信仰的另類表徵。


Although the demand and supply mechanisms of labor markets are indicated to reinforce gender inequality, research on contributing factors of the supply side of such mechanisms-namely the role of gendered beliefs in choosing majors and occupations-is relatively scant, particularly in the non-Western contexts. Defined as the socially constructed habitual logics, this paper seeks to identify how the gendered beliefs differentiate young Taiwanese people's choices of college majors and occupations through 37 successful in-depth interviews. Main findings include 1) dynamics in families, schools and workplaces all contribute to the formation of gendered beliefs in 'appropriate' majors and occupations for either sex; 2) differentiated parental expectations of accacdemic achievement and occupational choices that depends on sex of their children, play a critical role in constructing a gendered labor market; 3) the early classification of gendered subject choices in schools presents a clear case of discrimination, as well as promotion of job stratification; and 4) gender beliefs at work appear largely consistent with dichotomy of clutural stereotypes of both men and women.
