  • 期刊

由十二年國教課綱草案展望未來 中小學之英語文教科書

Prospects of English Textbooks for Elementary and High Schools in View of Draft Curriculum Guidelines for Twelve-year Basic Education




The curriculum guidelines of the Twelve-year Basic Education, a new educational reform in Taiwan, will be released in December, 2016. The new curriculum will start at elementary and high schools in August, 2018. Textbook publishers have about two years for textbook writing and review. Based on the major innovations in the curriculum, and informed by the mainstream practices in English teaching at all levels of schools in Taiwan, this study proposes eight important issues to be considered in textbook writing: (1) a progressive and integrative framework for textbook writing; (2) integration of different curriculum ideologies; (3) introduction of learning strategies and autonomous learning; (4) development of thinking skills; (5) promotion of reading strategies and extensive reading; (6) clear roles assigned to phonics and phonetic symbols; (7) contextualization of grammar instruction, as well as distinction between "structure for production" and "structure for recognition"; and (8) flexible materials for differentiated instruction. Each issue is discussed in the context of English teaching and learning in Taiwan. Some suggestions for textbook writing are also made. It is hoped that these suggestions would help depict an ideal and feasible outlook of English textbooks for the Twelve-year Basic Education.


6 成8 企業招募「英文」列指標(2009,10 月19 日)。1111 人力銀行。取自http://south.1111.com.tw/content.asp?aNo=14819
