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Competence Training and Curriculum Planning of MICE Industry: the viewpoint of value chain


本研究是以會展產業從業人員為對象,探討其專業職能之培訓與課程規劃。運用系統化的文獻研討法歸納後可以發現:加拿大MPI (Meeting Professionals International)規範的MBECS (Meeting and Business Event Competency Standards)指引相當完整。透過Michael Porter競爭策略的價值鏈,將Hsieh (2013)的MICE課程架構與MBECS予以統攝,可以掌握MICE主要「活動大綱」與「職能標準」並據以規劃課程。就大學正式學位而言,每個MBECS指引中的「活動大綱」都可規劃成1~2門(或更多門)完整的學分課程。至於對已在MICE產業中的就業者來說,教育訓練機構不妨針對每個「職能標準」來規劃短期課程,以符合MICE產業從業人員所需。未來建議可針對某一「職能標準」做更深入的研究,擬訂出細節規範,將使研究成果更具實用性。


This study explored the competence training and curriculum planning of MICE industry employees. The results by using systematic literature research method, we can conclude that the Meeting and Business Event Competency Standards (MBECS) curriculum guide by MPI (Meeting Professionals International) of Canada was quite integrated. Through the value chain of competitive strategy by Michael Porter, the MICE curriculum frameworks of Hsieh (2013) and MBECS could put together, then the business event management outline and international competency standards could be compared with one another; and we can use these results planning curriculum accordingly. For an academic degree, each business event management outline can be programmed as a course of MICE curriculum frameworks; as to the MICE industry employees, the international competency standards could be planned as a short-term course by a training and education organization to meet the requirements of MICE industry employees.


