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Study of Public Journalism at Tze Chi University


透過對慈濟大學傳播學系在社區中實踐傳播教育課程的研究,本研究試圖探究晚近對公民新聞的討論,並嘗試對新聞傳播教育的理論與實踐進行反思。 三項背景促使本研究的提出。其一,二十世紀晚期在美國興起的公民新聞學潮流。傳統媒體希望藉由強化社區公共議題報導,挽回逐漸流失的讀者,引發新聞學的專業主義爭議。其二,過去十年間,台灣的傳播學界出現反省傳播教育過度技職化、焦點偏重大眾媒介現象,並建議傳播教育應更回歸基礎、更貼近人與文化。其三,慈大傳播學系因此嘗試透過課程,將學生帶入社區,以文字與影像的報導與紀錄實踐公共性,並培養學生獨立思考與反思的重要能力。本研究是對此一課程實踐的行動研究,瞭解學生對新聞傳播概念的看法,同時也嘗試瞭解學生的實踐經驗,對新聞教育的參考性。 本研究採取問卷調查和深度訪談方法,針對慈大傳播學系參與社區傳播教育課程的學生,以及花蓮縣吉安鄉南華與干城兩社區的民眾與社區工作人士進行調查與訪談。所蒐集的資料將用來分析四個研究問題:(1)社區因為學生的課程實踐發生何種變化?(2)這種公共性實踐是否有期望和實質間的落差?(3)參與公共性實踐的學生是否能將相關理念付諸實踐?(4)這項公共性實踐計畫能對提供新聞教育什麼參考? 研究結果顯示,一、公民新聞實踐有助於學生對新聞專業和新聞倫理的重視,相關課程亦應該從服務學習的角度設計,以因應公民新聞實踐的挑戰;二、傳統新聞學的普世標準,有進一步探索的必要,才能自己何因時因地的新聞教育需要;三、社區居民雖然對學生進入社區從事記錄與報導活動持肯定態度,但是否能因此提升社區的公共領域,仍有待進一步觀察。


Earlier researches on public journalism have found a paradox: the intent to perform public journalism has more ideality than its practice in reality. This study seeked to find a new way to examine the development of public journalism program at Tzu Chi University (慈濟大學) and whether the program had meaning for public journalism and education of journalism. The study was grounded on three reflective movements. First, the movement of public journalism launched by the American press in the late 1980s. However, this movement has been criticized by some journalism scholars because they believed it blurring the line between reporter and community, leading to compromised independence. Second, during last ten years, some Taiwanese communication scholars have criticized that communication curriculum must not only equip students with a particular skill set, but also help students to understand how journalism to serve as a kind of democratic practice. Third, the effects of public journalism toward local communities. Based on these considerations, the Department of Communication Studies of Tzu Chi University started its ”Community Reporting” program in 2004, which was designed to teach students that the real stories in life come from community involvement. The study tried to trace the parallel attitude change in both the community's residents and the students who involved in this program. To know well about the attitude change of community participation, this study adopted the integrated quantitative and qualitative research method by doing the questionnaire survey and in-deep interviews. The researchers tried to answer the questions followed: (1) What kind of change occurs within the community involved? (2) What kind of difference exists between the intent and its practice of this program? (3) Can students put the theories of public journalism into practice? (4) What is the implication of this program to the journalism education? The results showed that public journalism practice is positive in increasing students awareness of journalistic professionalism and ethics. In order to meet the public journalism's challenge, the course should follow the Service-Learning principle and redesign. However, the public sphere of the two communities was unclear and needed to keep watch.


