  • 期刊





核心訓練 高爾夫 表現


Background: In recent years, Taiwan has gradually attached importance to the training of golf players. The core training is considered by many coaches to be the focus of athletes' physical training. The core training is mainly to strengthen the body's ability to maintain stability under various sports conditions through support, transmission and coordination. Enhancement may effectively improve the smoothness and hitting performance of golfers' swings. Aim: To examine the effect of eight weeks core training on the performance of golf player's long iron shot. Methods: Recruited ten golf players as subjects and assigned to training group (n=5) and control group (n=5). To maintain the original training course, the training group was required to receive an additional 40 minutes of core training every three days a week, 8 weeks of training intervention. The training course consisted of 20 minutes of basic core exercise training, 10 minutes of medicine ball training and 10 minutes of stretching training. The distance and accuracy of long iron shot were test before and after training. The single factor covariate analysis (ANCOVA) was used to test whether the training group and the control group had significant differences before and after the intervention. The statistically significant level was determined as p<.05. Results: The results showed that the training group was significantly better than the control group after eight weeks of training (177.4±0.9 vs. 173.4±0.9 yards, F=8.64, p<.05), while the accuracy of the shot was improved, but it did not reach statistical significance. (12.1 ± 1.3 vs. 15.6 ± 1.3 yards, F = 3.70, p=0.09). Conclusion: The 8-week core training could improve the golf player's long iron shot distance, and the accuracy trand of hitting might be improved.


core training golf performance
